Sanity Testing

Sanity Testing is the subset of Regression Testing and it is performed when we do not have enough time for doing testing.

Sanity testing is the surface level testing where QA engineer verifies that all the menus, functions, commands available in the product and project are working fine.

Sanity Testing Example

For Example in a project there are five modules like login page, home page, user detail page, new user creation, and task creation etc. So we have the bug in login page like on login page username field accepts the less than six alpha-numeric characters which are against the requirements as in requirements it is specified that username should not be below than six characters but as username accepts the less than six characters it is the bug.

So now the bug is reported by the testing team to the developer team to fix it. When the developing team fixes the bug and passed it to testing team than the testing team checks the other modules of the application means checks that fix bug does not affect the functionality of the other modules but keep one point always in mind that testing team only checks the extreme functionality of the modules, do not go deep to test the details because of the short time so this is the sanity testing.  

Sanity testing is performed after the build has clear the Smoke test and has been accepted by QA team for further testing, sanity testing checks the major functionality with finer details.

When we Perform Sanity Testing?

Sanity testing is performed when development team needs to know quick state of the product after they have done changes in the code or there is some controlled code change in a feature to fix any critical issue, and stringent release time-frame does not allow complete Regression testing.

Sanity testing will be done mostly after retest (retest will be done after fixing the bug). We always use Script for Smoke but do not for sanity.


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