Test plan and Importance


Like any other project, when we have plan in place, Chances are the project will go smoother.
During the STLC test planning should happen first. Test plan document is a living and breathing thing which should always to be up to date.
A test plan is software document that outlines what, when, how, who and much more about the testing project.
It includes the objective and scope of the tests to be run however test plan doesn’t include the tests (Test cases) themselves.
Why we need to Create Test Plan?
Test plan helps you and the rest of team get on the same page. It works as a framework and a guide to ensure testing project is successful and helps us to control the risks.
Test plan document serve as a means of communication across the software Team. Test plan can also help us to track changes to the test project overall.
The very fact of writing test plan helps us to think through things in ways that we may not think about normally.

For sample Test plan please click following Link.

My Test Plan

This particular test plan is not an official document it is created for my training purpose only.

Browser Navigation Commands in C#


In order to access navigation method, Just type IWebDriver.navigate(). Or driver.navigate(). In visual studio you will see the list navigation commands as bellow picture.

Back Command
Let say you browsing some webpage and you decided to go back to previous page you simply click on back arrow button in your browser.
In automation you simply use following usage to perform the above task.

Forward Command
It is exactly opposite to the above. If you want to move forward the page from previous page use the following usage in automation

GoToUrl Command
Following command will be used navigate to particular page

Refresh Command
This command refreshes the page as when we press F5 to refresh the page

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