What is Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment And ideal work flow


Continuous Integration

Continuous integration is the practice of constantly merging development work with a Master branch so that you can test changes and test that those changes work with other changes. Idea here is test our code as often as possible so we can catch the issues/bugs as early as possible.
In the continuous integration process, most of the work is done by an automated test technique.

Continuous Deployment

 Continuous deployment is a strategy for software releases where in any code commit that passes the automated testing phase is automatically released into the production environment, making changes that are visible to the software's users.

Continuous deployment eliminates the human safeguards against unproven code in live software. It should only be implemented when the development and IT teams adhere to production-ready development practices and thorough testing, and when they apply sophisticated, real-time monitoring in production to discover any issues with new releases.

Ideal work flow 

Step 1: Developer checks in code to development branch.
Step 2: Continuous integration server picks up the change, merges it with Master, and performs unit tests and votes on the merge to staging environment based on test results.
Step 3: If Step 2 is successful, developer deploys it to the staging environment and QA tests the environment.
Step 4: If Step 3 passed, you vote to move to production and the continuous integration server picks this up again and determines if it’s ok to merge into production.
Step 5: If Step 4 is successful, it will deploy to production environment.  

Test an Application without Requirements



Method #1:

Work with whatever little documentation you can get your hands on. It could be a basic simple backlog (in agile projects), an email, an older version of the Business Requirements document, or old test cases, etc.
Investigate, ask around and there is always some documented trial.
When this does not work out, do not discount your experience as a software user. For example, your real-life experience dealing with online shopping experience and banking experience really counts here. I believe you don’t need someone to tell you how to do online shopping or funds transferring from one account to another account.
This really helps when you are testing some shopping or banking application. I do agree that not all situations are going to be straight forward however some time real life experience does helps.

Method #2:
Use the older/current version of the application as a reference to test the future release of a software product. Now, I admit this is in negation to the rule, “Never write test cases using the application as a reference”. However, when we are working in a less than perfect situation, we have to mold the rules to fit our needs.

It helps to keep the following aspects in perspective when doing so:
  • The application might contain bugs- so if after registration the system directly takes you to Screen1 (a certain hypothetical screen for the sake of our example) – Never assume that is the correct behavior. Also if a field takes alphanumeric chars and is a phone number- a question that and make sure you do not take the application as a granted example for expected functionality.
  • In the above situations use your judgment and take the help of the application to give you a jump start but be critical of it to question it’s working.
Method #3:

Talk to the project team members:
  • Offer to attend their meetings.
  • Ask if you can participate in the unit and integration testing stages.
  • If not, ask if the dev team can share their unit and integration test results.
  • Arrange for a time for knowledge transfer at a convenient time.

When is Automated Testing a Good Idea?


Regression Testing: For re-testing pre-existing application functions that are being carried forward to new versions (usually the majority, unless app is brand new)

Smoke Testing: For getting a quick high-level assessment on the quality of a build and making go / no-go decision on deeper testing

Static & Repetitive Tests: For automating testing tasks that are repetitive and relatively unchanging from one test cycle to the next

• Data Driven Testing: For testing application functions where the same functions needs to be validated with lots of different inputs & large data sets (i.e. login, search)

• Load & Performance Testing: No viable manual alternative exists

Importance of Manual Testing


  1.  .Manually Testing Tests from Human Perspective

Human Testers can quickly identify when something looks “Odd”. Automated test scripts don’t pick the visual issues. When tester interacts with the software as a end user would, they able to discover usability issues and other interface glitches. Automated test scripts can’t test these things

2       2. Exploratory Testing Can only Done Manually

Automated test only perform the actions that you tell them to. To write Test scripts require planning and preparation to write, which restricts the test to certain boundaries. These boundaries mean there isn’t any room to stray from the written test to truly explore the application.
Exploratory testing gives us the opportunity to answer questions like, “What happens if I do this?” It enables to crave our own path throughout the test with little to no boundaries.

3       3. Errors/ bugs with Automated Test Scripts

Automated test scripts can contain bugs just like code can have bugs. This means Automated Testing has the potential to report false positives and false negatives. By adding human touch during the testing process these errors can be avoidable.

4     4.Manual Testing helps us to understand the whole problem/Application.

Without any doubt automated testing can save time and the cost. Also it is great for getting quick results on broad level, however manual testing allows us to understand the problem on conceptual and emotional level. Manual Testing connects us with the end user and introduces us to level of empathy automation doesn’t provide.

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